Contact Us

200-1460 Chevrier Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3T 1Y6

500 Shaftesbury Boulevard Winnipeg, MB R3P 2N2

Our journey starts with a no-cost, no-commitment meeting with you and your family in the comforts of your own home. Our team will assess your needs and work with you to build a customized plan that meets your unique and individual needs. Partners for Home will guide you through the entire process to ensure you are get the maximum flexibility possible for the services you are be eligible for. We will work with you to find the best possible match of Home Care Partner.

Our ultimate goal is to enable you or your loved one to maintain your independence, preference and privacy all in the security of your own home.

Call us today, to schedule a Partnership discussion in your own home: (204) 291-1640 or [email protected]